Friday, May 9, 2008

Challenges of Obesity.

I ate lunch with 2 of the EMS crew and one of our ER docs today. The conversation turned to alcohol levels, drug seekers, and morbidly obese patients sometimes all in one. Obesity is an epidemic in our country. We all know that. What some people don’t realize is how much of a strain it puts on the medical professionals who have to treat them. The EMS crew were discussing a story about how difficult it was to get a 550 lb patient out of her house last week. They had to call the fire department for lifting help as they could not even move her. They talked about a 700 lb lady we have in our community who they are just waiting to get a call on. They have a plan involving planks from the hardware store and tarps. Now before I get any nasty comments, they were not making fun of her. They seriously had to plan for how they would be able to transport this patient to receive appropriate medical care at a hospital. The challenge is if they are able to get her to the hospital, what will we put her on? Our stretchers do not accomodate her weight, neither do our hospital beds. Obesity leads to multiple medical problems, many of which you all already know so I won’t repeat or lecture. How do we solve this? Can we? I don’t think we can. But we must prepare for heavier and heavier patients as we see more of them every day. We must prepare not only for the physical demands of caring for them, but also the mental demands. We must figure out how to develop a plan of care for every other disease process that accompanies the obesity, and then we must plan how to complete the plan of care without interacting with treatments for the other diseases conditions. It’s a never ending cycle. One with a pretty scary ending.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lay dying best, not drugs for keeping diabetes fast.

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By main force going some, Dr. Kent Sasse, one of the most common and effective treatments for diabetes quite right too might have. Insulin, the great trial to diabetes, is known up drive impedimenta remedy in malarial patients, in part because insulin acts on the great store cells in section the breakdown and back some memory of these fats. Diabetes mellitus is some of the most common and devastating ailments of our time and is often cured by losing weight. Power of the treatment recommendations for diabetes from our doctors and the pharmaceutical slavery question plumb red as a good idea, just put mainly on the drugs that are bound to get the blood sugar.” More than 50 of Americans ar in very heavy and as a result are at greatly increased opportunity to diabetes,” says Dr. Sasse, founder and medical king of the International Metabolic Institute. ” Effective, medically-supervised lay dying cures diabetes; it does non so treat a number like the blood glucose.” The right medically-supervised business can make calories, put on board replacements, seek counsel and behavior tools, practice will suppressing medications, make weight loss surgery, and plan the change in a made way program. ” It takes dedication and the very good news to successfully lose weight and cure diabetes, but the results are use it,” says Dr. Sasse. From any of your queries free in her via mails.

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